At times, parents have concerns or questions during the season that they would like addressed. It is very important to follow the chain of communication to get these queries answered. Please be sure to follow the chain of communication in this order. Always remember the 24-hour rule.
1. Team Manager/Coach - The team manager is where all concerns or questions should first go to. (If you cannot approach the manager or are having issues with the manager or the head coach, then take the next step.)
2. Division Director - Each team is in a division and has a division director within SGMHA. Contact your division director if concerns cannot be resolved through the manager or head coach.
3. Commissioner - Only if all above communication has been exhausted, you may then submit an incident report online located on our Complaints/Incidents tab. This will be forwarded to the Commissioner.
It is very important to note that if you do not receive an answer as quickly as you would like, most volunteer position personnel are working as well and cannot answer questions within a couple hours.